APX offers custom designed power supplies and in-house tooling resources for your unique needs.
We can be your source for the unusual, whether one or more modifications to a standard power supply or a complete grounds-up new custom design for your application. We can customize power supply packaging and harnessing with our in-house tooling and molding resources, and at very reasonable costs. You can benefit by having custom labeling, unique-design interface connectors, to either molded or sheet metal housings.
Whether your critical need is physical and mechanical form factor, or electrical performance specifications, APX can design for reduced size, high operating temperature, peak currents, or any number of other non-standard operational needs.
APX custom power supplies are used by a broad range of commercial, industrial, and medical product clients. These supplies are in open frame, external and enclosed power supply configurations.
Call or e-mail us to explore how we can partner with you. We are conveniently located in New York and very easy to work with.
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Metal fabrication of “T” mount brackets for Desktop supply wall mounting.